All Remaining THQ Properties Have Officially Been Plundered

Vikings have plundered the remnants of defunct video game publisher THQ! Back in January, THQ went bust and sold off most of its major properties, but there were still a few major series (and lots and lots of small ones) left behind. Well, little-known Scandinavian company Nordic Games has now pillaged almost all those properties.

Hit the jump for more details…

For the low, low price for 4.9 million dollars, Nordic Games got themselves the Darksiders, Red Faction and MX racing franchises, as well as the rights to a massive pile of more obscure stuff (over 150 titles in all) such as de Blob, the Destroy All Humans! series, and gems like All Star Cheer Squad and Paws and Claws: Pampered Pets Resort.

Nordic Games didn’t manage to load everything onto their longship though — Gearbox snapped up the Homeworld series for 1.35 million and Italian developer 505 Games grabbed the Drawn To Life series for a cool 300k.

I don’t know about you, but THQ being pillaged and burned to the ground by mysterious Vikings seems like a fitting end to their story to me.

via Polygon