DC Universe Online Goes Free Next Month

Starting in October, Sony Online Entertainment will be moving their DC Universe Online MMORPG from a $15/month service to a three tiered service, one tier of which is free. Sony spent $50 million and over five years developing the game, so they’ll be attempting to turn a profit on their other two tiers: “premium” and “legendary”. Here’s a summary of what each tier includes:

Free Tier: Access to all areas and missions, two character slots, ability to join guilds, and the ability to purchase lots of fancy hats. (I may have made that last one up.)

Premium Tier: Available to any player who has spent more than $5 in the game, Premium Tier gives more character slots and inventory space as well as the option to store more cash (then totally set it on fire because that’s how you roll).

Legendary Tier: With a $14.99/month subscription, players get all the new DLC packs, 15 character slots, 80 inventory slots, and no restrictions on the size of their leagues.

Premium players will be able to trade items, and Legendary players will be able to trade items and cash, although Sony says they won’t allow the sale of items which improve a character’s stats. You can read more about the cost specifics at this chart.

And with all this money we’ll save, we’ll be able to afford more Otter Pops:

[Sources: PCGamer, HeroComplex, Reddit]