Happy Wednesday, Here's The New Dead Island Multiplayer Trailer

Look, I realize that we’re barely halfway through this workweek, but I don’t think that should stop any of us from partying like it’s a Friday. So kick off those work shows and loosen that tie up, because I want you to fully enjoy the new Dead Island multiplayer co-op trailer, from publisher Deep Silver. I’m not even going to lie, in my apartment I’ve already started an Advent calendar so that I can count down until the game’s September 9th release date. The gameplay looks like one hell of a good time, not to mention the visuals are crisp and bloody; if I were any more excited over this title, I’d somehow have to find a way to write this post wearing even less clothes than I already have on. And that, my friends, is impossible.

Check out the all new muliplayer co-op trailer after the jump:

[via RockPaperShotgun]