Here’s Six-Minutes Of New Robot-Narrated, Kraken-Blasting ‘Civilization: Beyond Earth’ Footage

Four of the leaders from Civ: Beyond Earth. 

Sit back everybody, because it’s time to listen to a soothing robot voice describe some brand new Civilization: Beyond Earth gameplay footage. This particular footage gives you a bit of an overview of the game’s affinity system — in this case, we see the difference between the “Purity” and “Supremacy” paths. Oh, and a Kraken also gets it’s ass blown up, so there’s that.

Check out the footage for yourself below…

Yup, probably going to need to get a new laptop when this game hits. Well, my computer sounds like an old gas mower when it starts up, so I’m probably going to need to get a new one anyways, but being able to play Civilization: Beyond Earth will be a nice bonus.

Via PC Gamer