Here’s The ‘Call Of Duty: Ghosts’ Trailer Microsoft Managed To Fit In After All The TV And Sports Talk

So, how about that Xbox One reveal, huh? I bet it was pretty exciting if you’re in the market for a new DVR — if you were hoping to play games on the Xbox One, well, hopefully something will be shown at E3. But hey, maybe I’m just being cynical. Sure, Microsoft only spent 10-minutes of their hour long presentation talking about games, but they were a pretty solid 10-minutes! There will be a game where you drive cars and, unlike the Wii U, Xbox One will actually be getting some sports games!

Also, they showed off the first trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Hit the jump to check it out…

Here’s a “behind the scenes” featurette that shares a lot of footage with the above trailer.

Okay, looks a bit more interesting than the last few CoD games. The trailer could have used more footage of your new dog buddy though.

As in, it should have been all footage of your new dog buddy.

via VG24/7