‘Iron Man 3’ Is Selling A Quarter Of All Movie Tickets Right Now

One method studios use to track a movie’s success is how many tickets it sells in advance.

As you may have guessed from the headline, Iron Man 3 is… doing rather well.

Specifically, it’s doing so well, and the movies out right now are drawing audiences so small, that it’s literally making up 25% of all movie tickets being sold right now:

…more than 400 screenings worldwide for Iron Man 3 have already run out of tickets. In addition, more than 25% of the current domestic daily sales have been for Black’s sequel, with audience members snatching up advanced tickets so that they know they’ll have a seat – preferably in IMAX – on opening weekend.

Adding to how impressive this is is that Disney and a few major theater chains are dickering over the revenue split, so they’re not selling advance tickets in the first place. That said, it’s also a movie opening in eleven countries simultaneously next weekend, so there are quite a few tickets to buy in the first place.

All of this means it’s tracking to open at $160 million: Not a bad start for the summer movie season.