1950s ‘Pacific Rim’, ‘Game Of Thrones’ Meets ‘Buffy’, And Other Mashups

Good afternoon you princes of Maine, you kings of New England, you stalkers of Peter Dinklage. Here are all the mashup and parody videos I didn’t get a chance to cover, thrown in your face like you’re Jodie Foster working for the FBI.

In the offing for today:

  1. FIRST VIDEO: This fan-made TOHO (Godzilla) style trailer for Pacific Rim could make Ishiro Honda proud. [via Obvious Winner]
  2. SECOND VIDEO: Did you know Jon Snow from Game of Thrones is basically Buffy the Vampire Slayer? No? Then you know nothing! [via The Mary Sue]
  3. THIRD VIDEO: The 16-bit version of Iron Man 3 is full of spoilers. [Thanks to Jessica for the tip.]
  4. FOURTH VIDEO: “Blurred Wars” is exactly what it sounds like: Star Wars characters dancing to Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”. Don’t try to domesticate Chewbacca. He’ll rip your arms off. [via Laughing Squid]
  5. Banner picture: “deadpool, tyrion lannister : the bodyguard” by Marco Dalfonso.
  6. Inset picture via / film.