Put Your Fan War To the Test: Stan Lee and Jace Hall Roll Out New Online Series

For those of you who hate fan wars because they A) go on forever or B) lack enough substance to be worthy of 60 seconds of your time, comic book legend Stan Lee and executive producer Jace Hall have created Fan Wars to put an end (or something of a comic resolution) to the above dilemma.

Fan Wars will give fans the opportunity to argue WHY they are the most epic comic book and super hero fans on the planet, with Hall and Lee presiding over the “hearings” and judging for themselves WHO is the ultimate super fan.

We get most of the info from the video above, and the show’s site has all the how-to details. If you find yourself constantly engaged in arguements amongst your friends over whether or not Indiana Jones could kick Han Solo’s ass or argued over whether Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne was more likely to get laid at a party (who hasn’t) it might be your time to shine.

At the very least it looks like you could live out the dream of meeting Stan Lee AND having him crown you the ULTIMATE super fan.

That’s one War we’d consider fighting.