What’s Kevin Bacon Doing In X-Men: First Class?

First up, in case you missed it the first time…cast photo! And a terrible one. This looks like a bunch of cosplayers reenacting the video to “Bohemian Rhapsody” or something. But at least January Jones is mostly naked, which is always a good thing.

Anyway, Kevin Bacon sat down and offered some thoughts on Sebastian Shaw, the villain he’s playing, and mostly what we learned is that he won’t have those muttonchops or the goofy Victorian suits, which is good because it was always hard to take Shaw seriously when he looked like a character out of an Oscar Wilde play. The Baconator also confirmed that this movie will happen around the Cuban Missile Crisis, but that JFK won’t be a character.

Sadly, he did not confirm that January Jones gets completely naked, but we can hope.

[ via the Queen cover band at SlashFilm ]