12 dream ‘Doctor Who’ replacement suggestions

While rumors about which actor will be the twelfth time lord with two hearts on “Doctor Who” abound, we’re sure that the BBC will surprise us with the show’s replacement to the beloved Matt Smith. Still, that’s not stopping us from fantasizing about who we’d like to see take on the mantle. 

After all, the Doctor has already had a variety of permutations (although all of them have been white males). In theory, the only definitive requirements for the job make for a pretty short list. The right candidate must have an ability to rattle off some complex dialogue, be convincingly enthusiastic, and be able to pull viewers into the excitement that comes with any kind of travel (especially time travel) and the lingering sadness of knowing that  connections to a human companion just can’t last. While we now know where the good Doctor will end up thanks to the season finale, we also know it’s the journey there that counts. Here’s a look at the twelve people we think could fill Smith’s shoes. 

Check out our choices below. Do you agree or disagree with our picks? Who did we forget?