‘212’ rapper Azealia Banks announces September release for debut album

“Album in May? June maybe?” tweeted up-and-coming hip-hopper Azealia Banks after signing a major-label record deal with Universal music last month.

Ok, so maybe just a tad too ambitious on the release-date front, as the “212” rapper recently revealed to Nylon that they’re now looking at a September drop for her debut album, “Broke with Expensive Taste”.

“It’s coming out in September,” said Banks during an interview with the magazine at London Fashion Week, later noting that she’s doing her best to drown out all the buzz  – buzz that, among other perks, recently led designer Karl Lagerfeld to choose her as the face of his new Net-a-Porter collection.

“I’m not trying to withdraw, but I am trying to find that personal space again because I have an album to finish,” said Banks, who noted the album will focus on the close-to-home theme of a “young girl trying to make it”. “All the praise from the fashion world is great but now everybody wants a piece and everybody wants an interview, but I need to step away and get my music done!”

Hey, at least it sounds like she’s keeping her head on straight.

If you haven’t seen it, you can watch the video for the track that garnered her all the attention below: