‘Bone’ creator Jeff Smith tackles ‘Rocket Raccoon’ and Groot in Comic-Con Variant

(CBR) Marvel Comics has released the latest variant for its acclaimed “Rocket Raccoon” #1 by famed “Bone” and “Rasl” creator Jeff Smith. The cover, which features both Rocket and Groot in front of the vast expanse of space, will be available exclusively at Comic-Con International 2014 for $10, and limited to 5000 copies.

Jeff Smith is the latest in a number of creators known more for independent work to provide a variant cover for “Rocket Raccoon” #1. Other notables include “Usagi Yojimbo” creator Stan Sakai and “Mouse Guard” creator David Petersen.

CBR's Kelly Thompson gave the first issue by Skottie Young 4.5 stars, calling “Rocket Raccoon” #1 “an absolute delight” with “stunning frenetic visuals, sharp humor and the beginnings of a solid story.”

Check out Jeff Smith's “Rocket Raccoon” #1 Comic-Con variant below: