Cobie Smulders suits up to play Maria Hill in ‘The Avengers’

Cobie Smulders is sort of like Bigfoot.

Wait… let me explain.

There are photos of Cobie Smulders out there.  But there are surprisingly few good photos of her, considering she’s made movies and she’s the star of a hit network television show.  She’s a striking woman, but it’s like she’s the Flash, like photographers never quite manage to get the shot of her.

I have a feeling that’s going to change, since she’s in final negotiations to play Maria Hill in “The Avengers,” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Maria Hill is a major character in the Marvel Universe of fairly recent vintage.  She was originally created for the comics in 2005, as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and eventually became a second to Nick Fury.  She played an important role in the Civil War story-arc, and she became a real threat to many of Marvel’s most important heroes.

On the animated show “The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” she’s a more approachable version of that same character, a hard-headed second-in-command to Nick Fury who doesn’t necessarily trust the heroes they deal with.

Without knowing what storyline Joss Whedon’s using for his mega-event movie version of “The Avengers” next year, it’s hard to tell exactly which version of Maria Hill we’ll be seeing, but considering this is how Marvel Comics typically draws her…

… along with this…

… it’s a pretty safe bet that Cobie Smulders is going to dressed to kill when she’s side by side with Scarlett Johansson, getting Sam Jackson’s back as S.H.I.E.L.D. puts together the biggest team in superhero movie history.

“The Avengers” will assemble on May 4, 2012.