Djimon Hounsou would be honored to star in a Black Panther film

(CBR) Two-time Oscar nominee Djimon Hounsou has strong feelings about playing a particular Marvel superhero. The Guardians of the Galaxy actor recently spoke with The Toronto Sun about his upcoming film “Baggage Claim”, but the conversation eventually turned to the subject of Black Panther.

“It would be an honor to be T”Challa,” Hounsou said. “It would have to be done right, given the history of that character and that comic.”

Hounsou knowns something about the character already, having voiced T”Challa in the motion comic/animated series produced by Marvel Animation and BET.

“I have a foot in the Marvel comics world now,” Hounsou said, referring to his role as Korath in the upcoming “Guardians of the Galaxy”. “So we”ll see where they”re going to take that.”

A Black Panther movie has long been rumored, but there”s been no public movement on the project since Marvel hired documentary writer Mark Bailey to pen a screenplay in early 2011. Talk of a Black Panther film began as early as 1992, when Wesley Snipes announced interest in portraying the character in an Indiana Jones-style franchise. Development bogged down first at Columbia Pictures and then at Artisan Entertainment, all the while with Snipes still attached (as recently as 2002). But in 2005 Marvel reacquired the Black Panther license from Lionsgate, which bought Artisan two years earlier.