Hayley Atwell is a Twitter Genius: 10 pieces of indisputable evidence

There are many ways for famous people to use social media. Some create their accounts and then, their identities secured from parody, fade into the mist. Some use it to promote their projects or paid sponsorships. But the truly savvy use the likes of Twitter and Instagram to shine a light on their personalities, to give fans a glimpse of the real person under their characters.

Then there are the Hayley Atwells. The star of “Agent Carter” has achieved the most difficult social media hat trick: Her Twitter account showcases her new show while being delightfully self-deprecating. Did you know her Peggy Carter hair is a wig? And that it fits on her dad”s head? Or that she called out this squirrely guy skulking around the set?

After the jump, we”ve collected some of the best behind-the-scenes moments Atwell captured.