Jimmy Kimmel Puts Donald Trump’s Words In Lex Luthor’s Mouth, And They’re A Worryingly Good Fit

Jimmy Kimmel has made it clear in a number of different ways he’s not a fan of Donald Trump. But, after Trump’s ABC interview, he decided to illustrate the exact problem by putting Trump’s words into Lex Luthor’s mouth. And they fit a little too well.

This isn’t the first time Kimmel drawn that particular comparison and that similarity is not exactly a coincidence. DC Comics’ writers and artists have made no secret over the years that the current version of Luthor, a greedy narcissistic industrialist, is at least in part based on Trump’s antics. The Daily Beast has a good overview of the various ways, throughout the years, Superman’s greatest enemy has been a not-so-subtle jab at our current President, right down to mocking his book covers.

And, if you were wondering, DC Comics did indeed install Lex Luthor in the White House at one point. Luthor ultimately gets booted from office because he tries to frame Superman for a crime while insisting he totally has evidence Superman is guilty, but he can’t produce right now and you’ll just have to trust him. It backfired, of course, as Luthor assumed that being President made his word law and that everybody had to follow his orders no matter how obviously full of crap he was. But surely that won’t be prescient.

(via Deadline)