New Gods return to DC in ‘Infinity Man and the Forever People’

(CBR) The writing duo of DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio and comics industry veteran Keith Giffen are back together for a new DC series: “Infinity Man and the Forever People,” set to debut in June, with art from Scott Koblish and Giffen.
The book was first announced — briefly — on this week's installment of the “DC All Access” video series, with host Tiffany Smith proclaiming, “the New Gods are back.” DC's website (as noticed by Newsarama) has solicitation information for the first issue, reading: “Four of the best students from New Genesis arrive on Earth to study and aid in the advancement of humanity – but they soon discover a darker purpose to their mission: a threat so great that it may bring the multiverse itself to its knees! The only thing that stands between them and total destruction is the mysterious entity known as the Infinity Man!”
DC first introduced Infinity-Man and the Forever People in 1971's “Forever People” #1, as part of Jack Kirby's “Fourth World” saga. DiDio and Giffen previously collaborated on New 52 launch title “O.M.A.C.,” which lasted eight issues and was also based on a Kirby creation.
“Infinity Man and the Forever People” #1 is scheduled for release on June 11.