Rocket Raccoon and Groot speak in new ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ trailer

I've been a little desperate for some new “Guardians of the Galaxy” footage. It seems like the same material from the first teaser has been re-purposed ad nauseam for a number of months now and, this being a pretty bold and risky project from Marvel Studios, I've been very, very curious. Today we got a new trailer for the film and finally get a load of what James Gunn has been whipping up.

I say bold and risky because this isn't “Iron Man.” It's not “Captain America.” It's not a brand with tons of built-in crossover appeal. So it's still a question as to how it will do at the box office, I think. I can't imagine this would be a “Winter Soldier”-level runaway train, but it's going to be a sweet extension of the universe the company has been building out on film. The geeks will line up. What about the rest?

Anyway, the most significant thing about the new footage, to me, is how gorgeous it looks. Gunn's color palette sets itself apart from the other Marvel films (which tend to have a same-y, not all that inspired look, to be honest). We also get more of Bradley Cooper as the voice of Rocket Raccoon and hear Vin Diesel speak as Groot for the very first time, I believe (the latter speaking in a “language” in which countless different intonations of “I am Groot” have countless different meanings).

And they're still getting a ton of mileage out of the Blue Swede, eh?

Anyway, check out the full trailer above and tell us what you think. Are you stoked for the film? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

“Guardians of the Galaxy” opens Aug. 1.