Watch: Madonna plays coy for the cameras about Lady Gaga, announces album title

Who does Madonna think she is? MGMT?  No, she”s “M.D.N.A.”  Or at least that”s the title of her 12th studio album out in late March. Actually, it’s kind of cute, when you think it’s also short for not just her name, but  Madonna DNA.

She announced the title to the world  during a taping of the BBC”s “Graham Norton Show.”  That episode will air on BBC One in the U.K. on Friday (and eventually on BBC America here), but before that, you can watch Madonna on “Nightline” on Thursday night.

In the downright embarrassing promo for the “Nightline” interview,  correspondent Christina McFadden acts as if she and her BFF are reuniting because “Madonna has never had any problem expressing herself to me.”

[More after the jump…]

There”s a mile-high stack of questions from viewers that McFadden has collected from viewers that she proudly displays in the commercial, embedded below, and then, with the solemnity of asking about whether she favors a Two-State Solution,  McFadden says,  “There”s one question that blew up the internet… They want to know what you think about Lady Gaga.”   Then there”s an edit and we have no idea if Madonna is answering McFadden”s question or some other question about what kind of deodorant she uses but Madonna very coyly says, “Look it up,” before drinking tea from a fine china tea cup. Wait! Who also was seen drinking tea from a fine china tea cup in her interview with “60 Minutes?” Was is… LG???

There”s a lot of Madge activity swirling around.  She”s pushing her film, “W.E.,” touting her  Feb. 5 Super Bowl half-time appearance (for which we picked our dream line-up here), and getting ready to release first single “Gimme All Your Luvin” featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. 

“M.D.N.A.” will be the Madonna”s first release as part of a three-label deal with Interscope, following her departure from her only other record home, Warner Bros.