Justin Bieber Is Actually A Woman Who Cut Her Breasts Off, Claims Concerned Pastor

To put it kindly, James David Manning is “eccentric.” To put it accurately, James David Manning is “cuckoo.” The New York City-based pastor, who once claimed that Starbucks puts semen into our coffee (hey, we’ve all seen “The Real Slim Shady” music video; bodily fluids are an essential ingredient to fast food and equally hasty beverages), recorded a sermon of sorts on Friday for his Manning Report series explaining that Justin Bieber was actually born a woman, but then she cut her breasts off and now he’s a man, or something? Most sentences attempting to explain what Manning is talking about probably end with “or something.”

“We’re talking about young girls, 6 to 10 years of age. They can be led or influenced to cut off their breasts once they get into puberty. They can be led to have operations — like Justin Bieber — they can think that the best choice for their life is to cut off their breasts. And then by the time they reach the age of 20 years old, they say, ‘I wish I had never cut off my breasts, I wish I had never mutilated my flesh, I wish I had never cut off my penis, I wish I had never done that, I was just young. And the people in the church or the people in the media said or gave the impression that I had a right to choose any kind of sexual orientation that I wanted to choose, and so I cut off my penis or I cut off my breasts.’”

OK, but is Obama somehow involved?

“I will chase every sodomite, I will chase every lesbo, I will chase every political leader with the power of God, with the chariots of fire. That these children be not misled by people in congregations and people in business or in politics like Obama that are influencing these children to throw their lives away the way Justin Bieber threw his life away.”

Influencing a Canadian who got discovered while Bush was still in office? Classic Obama.

Via Raw Story