This Election Season Has Given Us Nutcrackers, Chew Toys And So Much More Wild Presidential Merchandise

How are you enjoying this election season so far? Are you excited? Terrified? Contemplating tweaking the way you say “about” to make your transition to life in Canada a little smoother? Let’s not mince words: the race to become Commander-In-Chief has sometimes morphed into a batsh*t crazy cuckoo bananacakes sort of affair. The big upside of all this madness? Savvy vendors have cranked out fascinating White House hopeful merchandise out of the deal. That’s good news for them and good news for consumers with a weakness for D.C.-minded novelties.

Yes, if you’ve got a product associated with a presidential candidate’s image, it’s probably been a great election season for you. If the sales of your item partially go to a campaign, it might also be a plus for your preferred candidate. Politician paraphernalia in 2016 has evolved beyond bumper stickers and buttons to include things like the stoned for Sanders based “Bernie Bowl” and the Trump-taunting butt plug. (You do not want to mix up which is which.) We haven’t been offered a pack of Kasichiban noodles at the supermarket as of yet, but it’s only a matter of time.

With the avalanche of merchandise that’s tumbled out attached to the candidates, it can sometimes be hard to keep track of what’s up for sale. (Heck, Hillary Clinton has had her likeness used for both an action figure and a nutcracker.) As a public service, we’ve put together a zippy 79 second video recap of the products that have been squeezed out this election season. Of course, you can always make your own if none of the items showcased are your cup of tea.