The Feud Between Ann Coulter And Sean Hannity Shows No Signs Of Letting Up

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The feud between Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity continues to roar on with Coulter including the Fox News host in her latest column and contradicting her own stance in the process. The conservative showdown stems from Coulter accusing Hannity of censoring her last appearance on his show this past Friday, leaving an entire screed about Goldman Sachs on the cutting room floor. Hannity attributed the excised portion to the realities of television and Coulter going long with her critique of violence from the left, but Coulter treated it as censorship and a way to promote her column.

Coulter does not hold back from striking directly at Hannity for the segment and his alleged late support of President Donald Trump. To do so, she’s calls Hannity the one thing that would hurt him more than anything:

“Sean Hannity, bless his heart, has the zeal of the late Trump convert…He would endorse communism if Trump decided to implement the policies of ‘The Communist Manifesto.'”

Being called a closet Commie had to sting a bit for Hannity and his response to Coulter is just the kind you’d expect. It’s almost like two children locked in a rivalry over which one can earn daddy’s love the fastest:

Coulter continues on in her column, hitting at Hannity’s refusal to release the unedited segment — something that he urged Megyn Kelly to do in the days ahead of her Alex Jones interview according to Oliver Darcy. She includes her comments in the column, but definitely seems to think that the host held back her comments for a reason:

“On his show last Thursday, he tried to get me to defend Trump’s “rich person” remarks about Cohn…I wish you could see the segment, but, unfortunately, Hannity decided no one would ever see it.”

Now as you’ll notice, Hannity tweeted out a link to this article in his oddly worded rebuttal to Coulter, trying to fence her into some sort of trap using her own stances. And as weird as it is, he sorta has a point. She has said she’d blindly support Trump, shortly before calling him “mental” at one point and calling him out for some failed negotiations. If you look at this from Hannity’s perspective, she’s all over the place.

At the same time, that would be a good thing for any normal person’s political views. An evolving and ever changing flow of thoughts based on new events and platforms. Not busting in to first claim you were “first” on the Trump train, no matter what station it could be ready to slam into.

Is it possible to side with Hannity or Coulter in this fight? Are we better off just saying we’re also “over the insanity” and moving on?

(Via Business Insider)