Trump Finally Breaks His Silence On Comey’s Testimony To Claim ‘Total And Complete Vindication’

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It was an eventful day in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. Former FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, where he revealed the Russian hacking attacks began much earlier than previously thought; he also expressed concerns that President Trump “might lie about the nature of our meeting” and joked about canceling date night with his wife. Not to be outdone, Marco Rubio desperately tried (and failed) to protest Trump, and John McCain briefly turned into Grampa Simpson. Lordy is right.

But through it all, Trump was oddly quiet. His son, Donald, Jr., was tweeting his little hands off, but not Papa Donald. POTUS’ silence lasted until Friday morning, when Trump finally weighed in on Comey’s testimony. “Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication,” he wrote, “…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!” Maybe don’t use the word “leaker.”

Trump also tweeted, “Great reporting by @foxandfriends and so many others,” which he not-so-coincidentally wrote shortly after a Fox & Friends segment on the “perceived media bias in the ‘mainstream media’ coverage that followed the Comey testimony,” according to Mediaite. This, despite Fox News being the mainstream media and guest Bre Payton calling Comey a “spineless weasel who has a history of manipulating the media to cover his own tail.”

But at least Trump got his “total and complete vindication.”

Who knew he was such a Dashboard Confessional fan?

(Via Mediaite)