CNN’s Erin Burnett: Trump Popped Tic Tacs In His Mouth And Then Tried To Kiss My Friend

Donald Trump has seen some significant fallout from his vulgar 2005 comments about women, but more allegations of his salacious attitude towards women are coming to light. On Friday, CNN’s Erin Burnett recounted a story of how Trump tried to kiss a friend of hers while the two were in a board room in Trump Tower.

The situation becomes even grosser as Burnett’s friend said she did not give consent to Trump and he popped in a couple of Tic-Tacs before he tried to grab a smooch. This sounds like a PSA for sexual harassment you would watch at a job orientation. As we’ve heard from Trump’s “locker room banter,” he said he doesn’t wait to get the go ahead and believes as a star “you can do anything.” Burnett’s friend – who asked to remain anonymous – told Burnett her interaction with The Donald occurred in March 2010 and the friend was freaked out by the event:

“Trump took Tic Tacs, suggested I take them also. He then leaned in, catching me off guard, and kissed me almost on lips. I was really freaked out. After (the meeting), Trump asked me to come into his office alone. Was really unsure what to do…Figured I could handle myself. Anyway, once in his office he kept telling me how special I am and gave me his cell, asked me to call him. I ran the hell out of there.”

It’s another installment in an already uncomfortable list of Trump’s views towards women. Trump has since issued a quasi-apology but doesn’t seem to be taking things too seriously:

Several Republican’s have reported to be unhappy over this latest episode, with some even vowing not to vote for him. Trump has said he will not be resigning as the Republican presidential nominee, so it may just be business as usual for him.

(Via CNN & The Huffington Post & The Associated Press)

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