Mike Pence Gave A Slick Debate Performance, But Trump Is Reportedly Furious About It

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Reactions seem to be pointing towards Mike Pence walking away from Tuesday’s vice presidential debate as the victor, all despite the lack of any real fact checking or substance from either candidate. Plenty of barbs were thrown, but the biggest takeaway might be the reaction from each VP nominee’s presidential counterpart. For Kaine, he might’ve been a bit too much of an attack dog for Clinton and seemed to force moderator Elaine Quijano from CBS news into a defensive stance from beginning to end.

Pence did the same, but his trouble back at the campaign HQ might be a bit worse than Kaine. Not only did Pence seem to contradict some of Trump’s campaign platforms during the debate, particularly on Syria and Russia, but he also reportedly didn’t defend the GOP nominee enough. This is backed up by a report by CNBC’s John J. Harwood following the debate:

Harwood followed this up with another statement from the unnamed Trump adviser, noting that Trump’s reaction might be based on something far away from the actual substance of the VP debate:

Then there were others:

The inevitable angry, anti-Pence tweetstorm that Trump’s going to unleash after the election is going to be amazing. You know it’s coming.