Rudy Giuliani And His FBI Allies May Be Responsible For The Revival Of The Clinton Email Controversy

One would be forgiven for not noticing every little nugget involved in Rudy Giuliani’s always unhinged and vigorous while often sputtering advocacy of Donald Trump. However, it sure looks like Giuliani dropped a clue about the FBI’s soon-to-be-renewed email probe of Hillary Clinton in this brief clip from last Wednesday’s episode of Fox and Friends. The former NYC mayor hinted, “We’ve got a couple of surprises left.” As the Daily Beast reveals, this clip may have revealed much more than anyone suspected at the time.

Giuliani went further: “I think [Trump’s] got a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days. I’m talking about some pretty big surprises.” He then claimed that the books were “cooked in advance” on the initial investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server (because Bill met with AG Loretta Lynch on an airplane). Then on Friday, FBI Director James Comey sent his vague letter to Congress, which publicly reopened the digging into Clinton-related emails.

The Beast reflects upon Giuliani’s immediate media blitz after Comey’s Friday letter. The Trump surrogate appeared to theorize about the probe involving “the pressure of a group of FBI agents who don’t look at it politically.” Then he revealed more from his sources within the FBI:

“The other rumor that I get is that there’s a kind of revolution going on inside the FBI about the original conclusion [not to charge Clinton] being completely unjustified and almost a slap in the face to the FBI’s integrity. I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents.”

From there, the Beast’s piece dives into a study of Jim Kallstrom, the former head of the FBI’s New York office. Giuliani indicated that Kallstrom was perplexed and mortified at the FBI’s prior decision not to recommend criminal charges for Clinton’s private email server. Kallstrom, who is described as a “good friend” of Giuliani, appeared on talk shows a few months ago. He claimed that several agents were embarrassed about Comey’s decision and predicted more action would come.

The Beast just nabbed Kallstrom for an interview, in which he denied influencing any agents’ actions despite bragging about his knowledge and ties in a Megyn Kelly appearance:

Kallstrom adamantly denied he’d ever said he was in contact with agents “involved” in the Clinton case, insisting that he didn’t even know “the agents’ names.” He asked if this story was “a hit piece,” and contended that it was “offensive” to even suggest that he’d communicated with those agents. When I emailed him two quotes where he made that claim, he responded: “I know agents in the building who used to work for me. I don’t know any agents in the Washington field office involved directly in the investigation.”

Later, though he acknowledged that “the bulk” of the agents on the Weiner case are “in the New York office,” even as he insisted that the “locals” he told Pirro would’ve leaked the renewed probe had not Comey revealed it were not necessarily agents. He declined to explain why Megyn Kelly stated as a fact that he was in contact with agents “involved” in the case. Asked in a follow up email if he suggested or encouraged any particular actions in his exchanges with active agents, Kallstrom replied: “No.”

Kallstrom then insisted that he couldn’t really comment further on the matter before Election Day. To do so would be improper, and he adds that “the FBI can’t say anything without having all the information.” The Beast points out that the FBI kinda did say something already by the very nature of Comey’s vague letter, which led to much speculation and possible consequences for Clinton with voters.

Here’s the full Giuliani appearance from Fox and Friends for further context.

(Via The Daily Beast)

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