‘True Blood’ – ‘You Smell Like Dinner’: The naked time

Once again, y’all should know the drill by now with “True Blood,” where I provide these short posts for everybody who wants to discuss the episode immediately after it’s over, rather than waiting for Leslie Gornstein’s recap to show up at our Monkeys as Critics blog within a few hours (or for people who prefer to keep all their HitFix TV discussion in one place).

“You Smell Like Dinner” offered us more of Fiona Shaw as the leader of the local witch coven, finally crossing paths with Eric; it explained how Bill came to be in his current position; it let dud storylines like Jason and Andy’s problems crawl along; and, for those who are interested in that sort of thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that), it featured copious amounts of nudity from various guest stars.

What did everybody think of it?