Convicted Murderer Oscar Pistorius Will Get Out For Good Behavior After Serving 10 Months In Jail

Oscar Pistorius
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It was 10 short months ago when Oscar Pistorius was sent to a South African prison for his role in the death of girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Today, the Associated Press learned Pistorius will be released on August 21 for good behavior and placed under house arrest. He will have served one-sixth of his five-year sentence for culpable homicide.

Reeva Stankamp’s family did not show up to the parole hearing, but did write a letter.

“Incarceration of 10 months for taking a life is simply not enough,” Steenkamp’s family said in a written statement to the parole board that met Friday and approved Pistorius’ release under correctional supervision, or house arrest.

“We have forgiven Mr. Pistorius even though he took the life of our precious daughter, Reeva.” the family wrote in its submission. “We do not seek to avenge her death and we do not want Mr. Pistorius to suffer; that will not bring her back to us. However a person found guilty of a crime must be held accountable for their actions.”

Pistorius isn’t out of the woods yet. The case is headed to the Supreme Court of Appeals where a majority decision may land him back in jail.