Some Horrible People Are Scamming Homeless People Into Buying iPhones

Just when you think humanity can’t go any lower in its treatment of other, y’know, humans, some scumbags dug themselves straight to Hell by scamming the homeless into buying an iPhone. Via NBC 9:

9Wants to Know has learned men cruise around homeless shelters, the 16th Street Mall, and plasma donation clinics in an effort to find people desperate for money.

The men will drive victims to Apple stores and convince them to sign numerous contracts for numerous iPhones. Victims will then be paid $100 or more in exchange for several iPhones.

The iPhones can be unlocked and sold on the international market for more than $700 dollars each.

Victims tell 9Wants to Know they were told by organizers they can just cancel contracts at any time to avoid paying monthly fees and penalties.

“I’m in the hole about $6,000,” Phoenix said. She claimed she was told by the schemers she could cancel her contracts within three days. “They’re targeting anybody that looks like they would be vulnerable.”

Offering people who are desperate to make money fast is pretty despicable. Apparently, it doesn’t take an Apple Store Genius to figure that out.

“I didn’t really think about it. All I heard was 200 bucks. I’m broke,” Sauer told 9Wants to Know.

9Wants to Know observed an Apple store employee collect Sauer’s information for several contracts.

Well, I guess the Apple store Genius’ did figure it out because they’re helping the scammers. Don’t they know they can rip people off legally by selling people crappy iPhones instead of illegally selling them iPhones?

Apple should be taking action to stop these jerks, and the employees responsible. But they’re not.

A company spokesperson eventually returned our calls and said Apple doesn’t comment on “matters of security.”

A day after 9Wants to Know questioned Kermani at Cherry Creek, we saw him back at the Apple store conducting his scheme.

Verizon and AT&T also declined to comment about the issue.

Sprint was the only company that responded to 9Wants to Knows questions about the scheme.

SPRINT?! You mean the company that says they upgraded their network even though I roam inside of my house constantly? That Sprint? They’re the good guys here? I don’t even know what world I’m living in anymore. I mean, what’s next?

Via NBC 9