Anonymous Has Declared December 11th ‘Troll ISIS Day’

December 11 is Noodle Ring Day, Official Lost and Found Day, and now, Troll ISIS Day. This Friday, the hacktivist group, which previously declared war on the extremist militants behind some of the world’s heinous and cowardly attacks, encourages users to loudly antagonize and mock ISIS.

So, just another day on Reddit.

“They thrive off of fear…they hope that by their actions they can silence all of us and get us to just lay low and hide in fear. But what many forget, and even they do, is that there are many more people in the world against them than for them,” the group wrote online. The collective added that “on December 11th we will show them that we are not afraid, we will not just hide in our fear, we are the majority and with our strength in numbers we can make a real difference. We will mock them for the idiots they are.” (Via)

Trolling suggestions include calling them Daesh, posting photos showing your lack of fear, and printing out pages explaining how ISIS does not represent Islam. “We will mock them for the idiots they are,” Anonymous wrote online, “We will show them what they really are they do not stand for a religion, they do not stand for a god, they are brainwashers teaching from the young to the old their propaganda against the ‘west’ when in reality they are just increasing the distance between countries by giving many a bad name.”

Still feel free to celebrate Noodle Ring Day, though.

(Via RT)

Now Watch: What To Know About Anonymous As They Wage War On ISIS