COD: Modern Warfare 3 Teaser Trailers Attack the World

Quick, everyone protect your numerical three! Call of Duty’s upcoming Modern Warfare 3 is back for its third installment and, according to the banner image, developers are looking to shove the number three anywhere they can fit it. At the end of last week, a bunch of MW3 single player campaign and multiplayer secrets leaked online, but perhaps it was in good timing, because the Modern Warfare 3 team have decided to roll with the leak and release a couple teaser trailers to whet the internet’s appetites.

Major cities across the world (England, America, Germany and France) be getting crapped all over in the new teasers. I’ll be honest here, if you watch just one of these videos, you’ve pretty much seen them all; each features one of the above mentioned cities during the start of an attack, all while Modern Warfare’s main villain, Makarov, gets to wax poetic with some voiceover, “One… will destroy the enemy’s hope for victory.”

Teasers after the jump. If nothing else, consider this your warning to get those Big Gulps refilled and your gaming thumbs ready. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hits shelves early November.

America Teaser:

England Teaser:

France Teaser:

Germany Teaser:

[via PCgamer]