4/20: Ad Offers Denver Great Deals On 420 Day Weed

Despite the fact that the association of marijuana use and 4/20 traces back to some California stoners in the early 70s, people in Colorado love to revel in the fact that their state has long had some of the most lenient recreational marijuana laws in the country. Some might even say those people are a bunch of show-offs, walking around with their bags of weed while they buy fertilizer for their six marijuana plants. But I wouldn’t know what that’s like because I’ve never touched the stuff. My drug is cat GIFs.

But with legalized sale comes competition in the marketplace, so it’s as natural carving a hole in an apple that Denver’s best pot dealers would take out ads in local newspapers to exhibit their best deals, like the ad from today’s Denver Post that my FilmDrunk cohort Morton Salt sent along this morning. My only complaint is that it’s not for a company called Little Skeezers, offering a $5 “Baked and Ready” deal. It’s all about synergy, people!