8 Rad Modified Motorcycle Helmets

Youtuber Tigerpause444 likes to modify motorcycle helmets into geek icons — some of them with voice changers, sound effects, LEDs, etc. — then he helpfully sticks the helmets on an oscillating fan and makes YouTube videos talking about the building process.

Note: Tigerpause444 reminds everyone that bolting screws into a helmet violates Department of Transportation rules and could lead to modified helmet wearers getting a ticket if caught on a motorcycle with them. He also warns that these helmets are not going to protect your noggin from the dangers on the road. [DVICE]

Note: Gamma Squad reminds everyone that giving someone a ticket for wearing a rad helmet makes you a yellow-bellied, lily-livered, star-bellied Sneetch, and we’re going to take their mother out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.  We also warn that these helmets are not going to protect you from the dangers of being too sexy.

This helmet eats souls.

This helmet eats cookies (and souls).


Darth Vader helmet viewable over at DVICE.