A Compendium of Cool Comics Cosplay: Sidekicks Week

It’s time once again for our Friday comics cosplay feature, casting the spotlight on the best comics related costumery from the cosplay community. This week is a little different, as we’re presenting our anticipated Super Sidekicks theme week, celebrating all those heroes (and villains) who fight alongside our favorite central characters. We’d like to thank all the cosplayers and photographers who submitted pictures for our enjoyment!

So, get ready and enjoy some awesome cosplay of a variety of Robins, Aqualads and Buckys, alongside Kid Flash, Jimmy Olsen, Amadeus Cho, Query and Echo and Speedy!

Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community that thrives in groups like our friends at TheSuperheroCostumingForum.com. Each week we spotlight our favorite costumes and in addition we also host a regular cosplay contest, with the results forming a special theme week. We invite cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit pictures of their work that relates to the theme (or any cosplay in general!) to our Flickr group to be considered. We’ll then pick our top choices and post them on Gamma Squad for the adoration of all.

For now, enjoy this week’s selection!

 Batman and Son cosplay by Bob Kieffer and son. Source: Facebook

 Kid Flash cosplay by TobieJade. Photo by Elemental-Sight. Source: Deviantart

 Bucky Barnes cosplay by TimDrakeRobin of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

 Ame-Comi Robin cosplayer by Uxi Cosplay. Photo by Greyloch. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Jimmy Olsen cosplay by Cody of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

 Damian Wayne cosplay by Lilprince. Photo by Carlos Adama. Submitted via the Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Amadeus Cho cosplay by Gackto at Amazing Arizona Comic Con 2013. Photo by David Ngo. Source: Tumblr

 Aqualads at Dragon*Con 2011. Photo by Hero Dreams. Source: Flickr

 Query and Echo cosplay by Gillykins and Olivia. Photo by ASPhotography. Source: Tumblr

 Batman and Carrie Kelly at SDCC 2013. Photo by Kemal Unverdi. Submitted via Gamma Squad Flickr Group.

 Rikki Barnes cosplay by Kelby of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

Speedy at SDCC 2009. Photo by Nathan Rupert. Source: Flickr