And Now, Your Ewok Gingerbread Village

OK, we admit it: as much as we hate the Ewoks for ruining what should have been the most badass of all the Star Wars films, they are pretty adorable.
They should have been massacred by the Empire, and killing them in “Battlefront” was enormously satisfying, but they’re still adorable.
Anyway, The Infinite Yums agrees with us, well, on the adorable part, and posted a step-by-step photo essay about how this particular Ewok village was baked, frosted, and assembled with what we assume is referred to as “wuv”.
And along the way, included a whole bunch of Star Wars gags. Our personal favorite being the Ewok with his helmet collection.
A collection of photos, including a full on shot of the village (complete with Death Star!) after the jump.