‘The Bachelorette’ Said Goodbye To Its Most Annoying Contestant And Fans Were Overjoyed

We are only three episodes into the latest season of The Bachelorette and we’ve already had plenty of controversy, shocking moments, and one very annoying suitor that seemed to be planted by the producers of the show. While the reality competition hasn’t addressed the controversy too much, they did return to talk about the shocking moment involving a contestant with a girlfriend on this week’s show before cutting out the annoying growth known as Whaboom from the show.

Good ol’ Lucas was given the heave on Monday’s show and ended up getting a post-ejection interview with Jimmy Kimmel for good measure. It’s a good thing too because his exit wasn’t without drama and the host was interested in getting the true story. The whole thing revolves around fellow contestant Blake and some allegations involving a sensual encounter with a banana. It’s either Lucas having a “bad dream” as he says to Kimmel or just playing the game that ABC has laid out. Either way, it led to reactions like this online:

From there, Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay talked to both men and tried to get a confirmation of the story to no avail. In the end, she decided to send both home and end the threat of Whaboom for the rest of the season. It led to a bit of a fight before their departure, though, and created this absurd moment of television that desperately wanted to be dramatic and failed miserably.

Fans of the show were not upset by this turn of events. Seeing both men head home opened the door for some of the fan favorites from this season to get some spotlight and also relieved some pressure on their TV screens. And that relief was clear!

Sadly, we did have to put up with a little extra Wahboom on Kimmel, including his Ace Ventura impression that most ’90s kids probably want to forget at this point. At least he didn’t attempt to talk out of his butt like they do in the movie.

Kimmel does ask him what’s next for Whaboom and you can apparently buy his catchphrase t-shirt right now, with the proceeds going to charity. We also will likely have to see the guy on Bachelor In Paradise, especially given his dramatic exit.