The Best Cosplay Day One Of Comic-Con 2013

Disney princesses photographed by Mooshuu.

San Diego Comic-Con kicked off yesterday, and we’ve already seen some hilarious, unique, and titillating costumes. We’ve decided to gather some of the greatness from yesterday in one gallery. Will there be any Sharknado cosplay? Spoiler alert: there totally is.

Continue on for our 33 favorite pictures from the first day of Comic-Con, and our day two gallery is here. Special thanks to Mooshuu, Andres Stark, David Ngo, and Buzzfeed for many of these photos.

Sharknado! And her T-shirt (not pictured) says, “Enough said!” Photographed by jesseescobar.

Puss In Boots (Shrek 2) photographed by Andres Stark Comiccon.

The Walking Dead cosplayers photographed by Mooshuu.

Baroness (G.I. Joe) photographed by Ricky Brigante.

Photographed by ‏Mandagh.

Toxic Avenger photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM).

Gab Evans photographed by BattyBlogger.

“Only at SDCC can you have Sub Mariner pitted against Aquaman!” – Nerdlocker

Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM).

Catwoman photographed by Mooshuu.

Aquaman photographed by Mooshuu.

“Draw Mitch McConnell (R), get into art school…” — Arnold Gatilao

Portal-themed outfit photographed by Mooshuu.

An andorian from Star Trek photographed by Andres Stark Comiccon.

Raven (Teen Titans) photographed by Mooshuu.

I hope she’s texting about her dragons. Photographed by Andres Stark Comiccon.

Marshall Lee, Prince Gumball, Fionna, and Cake photographed by Mooshuu.

Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) photographed by shokaveli.

Dark Phoenix (X-Men) photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM).

Magneto (X-Men) photographed by Mooshuu.

Wolverine photographed by Ricky Brigante.

Ballerina nightmare (Cabin in the Woods) photographed by jhoffman6.

Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) photographed by Andres Stark Comiccon.

Judge Dredd photographed by thekevinryder.

Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) photographed by David Ngo (DTJAAAAM).

Monarch’s henchmen (Venture Brothers) photographed by Mooshuu.

Tetris piece photographed by flattop223.

Cruella De Vil photographed by Mooshuu.

(via Getty Image)

Phoenix Wright photographed by dazyndara.

Clever girl. Photographed by Andres Stark Comiccon.

(via Getty Image)

Day two gallery available HERE. Day three gallery available HERE. Day four gallery available HERE.