Check Out 20 Minutes Of ‘Sid Meier’s Starships’ Footage, Guided By Captain Sid Himself

Jump to the half-hour mark in the video above if you want to get right to the gameplay footage, although the talk before it is interesting stuff too.

As revealed last week, Firaxis’ next big strategy game is going to be Sid Meier’s Starships, and the man himself sat down for a panel at PAX South yesterday, in which he talked about the game’s inspiration and took fans though a solid 20-minute chunk of gameplay.

It sounds like Sid Meier’s Starships is very much Meier’s baby, and according to him he was inspired by Civilization: Beyond Earth and wanted to take the concepts in that game even further. As such, the leaders and Affinity system from Beyond Earth will also play a big part in Starships. Basically, Starships looks friendly and Civ-like, but on a grander scale, with more of a focus on completing specific missions and, of course, tinkering with your fleet of starships. Battles also look to be much more complex and tactical than anything that’s ever happened in Civ. All in all, Sid Meier’s Starships looks to deliver a good balance of classic Civilization-style strategy and plenty of new stuff too, and I’m pretty damn excited to blast off.

Via Game Informer