Duke Nukem Forever Delayed Again

Duke Nukem has been back in the news this week for a borderline-NSFW video from PAX (second video after the jump) containing a lesbian schoolgirl kissing scene and far too much screen time afforded to a vibrator on a table.  The game was also courting controversy for a recently announced multiplayer Capture The Flag mode called “Capture the Babe”, where a player kidnaps a woman instead of a flag and has the option to slap her to keep her under control.  And that’s where things go from being immature and crass but funny to being just douchey and creepy and uncomfortable.
Hopefully Gearbox Software and 2K Games didn’t waste too much time on their creepy capture the flag mode, because the game is being delayed again.  Shocking, we know, that a game announced on April 28th, 1997 — before Google and a lot of other things existed — is still jacking its release date around.  In the video below President of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford announces the release date has changed from May 3rd to June 14th in the U.S. (June 10th everywhere else).  He didn’t say if it was June 14th of this year . . .
[Sources: RockPaperShotgun, IGN, and PCGamer]

