‘Flash Gordon’ Coming Back To Save Every One Of Us (FLASH! Ahh-Ahhh!)

Good luck getting the theme song out of your head now.

A Flash Gordon reboot has been in the works for years, with the rights transferring from Universal to Mandalay to Sony and now — as of this week — to Fox. Last time we had news about it, the director of Sahara wanted to make it a 3D movie possibly starring Sam Worthington. Hey, remember when everything was possibly starring Sam Worthington instead of Miles Teller? Good times.

Now THR says Fox has picked up the film rights to the 1934 pulp comic Flash Gordon and hired J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay (Star Trek 3) to write a script based on the treatment by George Nolfi (Bourne Ultimatum). We suspect Fox won’t understand that this source material is so damn cheesy the only way to make it work is to embrace the cheese. In terms of timeless campiness, it’s going to be hard to beat a Queen soundtrack and lines like “Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!”