Fred Willard Discussed His Arrest For Porno Theater Jerking With Jimmy Fallon Last Night

When I heard that Fred Willard would be a guest on Jimmy Fallon’s show last night, I set my DVR immediately. I mean, what sort of monster wouldn’t. And I was rewarded for doing so — the resulting interview was quite entertaining.

“Jimmy, what do you want to talk about first?” Willard asked Fallon as soon as the interview began. “You know, let me say this: it’s the last time I’m going to listen to my wife when she says, ‘Why don’t you go out and see a movie?’”

After the two joked a bit about which porn film Willard watched at the “Polynesian”-themed porn theater (“Was it ‘Anaconda’?” Fallon inquired. “No, sadly, it was ‘Get Shorty,’” Willard replied), Willard got serious.

“It’s very embarrassing…It’s embarrassing as hell,” Willard said. “But let me say this: nothing happened. I did nothing wrong. Everything is being sorted out as we speak… if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, everything looks suspicious.”
