Have A Peek At The Sexy Cast of ‘Crimson Peak’

The scarily attractive cast of Crimson Peak.

We here at GammaSquad haven’t written much about Guillermo del Toro’s post-Pacific Rim project Crimson Peak yet, but that changes today because, well, a whole bunch of sexy people have just been cast in it! People like Jessica Chastain, Benedict Cumberbatch, Charlie Hunnam and Emma Stone.

Yes, to confirm, redheads Jessica Chastain and Emma Stone have been cast in a movie called Crimson Peak. Ah-hem. Little on the nose there Guillermo.

Hit the jump for a quick synopsis of what the flick’s actually about…

Details on Crimson Peak are a bit sparse at the moment, but it’s said to be a supernatural gothic horror/romance. Specifically the plot revolves around a woman discovering that her husband may not be who he appears to be. Dun dun dunnnn.

Gothic horror/romance huh? Sounds good to me. I’ve found Del Toro’s big blockbuster movies a bit hit or miss, but his horror stuff is always fantastic. Also, romance implies Jessica Chastain’s boobs might make an appearance, which is also fantastic.

via The Mary Sue

Jessica and Charlie via Shutterstock