J.K. Rowling Roasts Donald Trump For His Latest Tweets Written In The Third Person

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Well, we all knew it was inevitable. Donald Trump oh so predictably took the bait that were Hillary Clinton’s remarks at the Women For Women International forum on Tuesday, where she stated that she had been “way to winning until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 and Russian Wikileaks raised doubts in the minds of people,” and in the ultimate “FINISH HIM” move, not so subtly reminded everyone that she #actually won the popular vote by nearly three million votes.

And late Tuesday night, Trump naturally couldn’t resist, slamming “phony” Hillary and once again taking the opportunity to rub everything in the faces of the Democrats.

[Ron Howard voice-over]: He didn’t.

But aside from that questionable claim, most people were mostly just fixated over the fact that Trump seems to now be … speaking in the third person? Sure, why not! Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling was among those who noticed, and took the time to ridicule Trump early Wednesday morning, in this delightful exchange with British writer Aaron Gillies.

Of course, this is far from the first time Rowling has been outspoken on Twitter, whether she’s laying waste to alt-right trolls or getting into it with Piers Morgan. In weird, scary times like these, let’s hope she never stops.