Parents Of The Year Recreate Famous Movie Scenes With Their Baby Using Cardboard

If you’re going to exploit your baby, at least exploit him or her well. Don’t go half ass; no one wants to see Lil’ Timmy as a sort-of Heisenberg, when the real Heisenbaby is out there. So props to Lilly and Leon, the mom and dad founders of Cardboard Box Office, where they, and their child Orson, lovingly recreate famous movie scenes using “our favorite domestic junk.” Like all great ideas, the concept came from excruciating cabin fever.

The project began after finding that we had accumulated both a lot of cardboard boxes (due to moving to a new country) and a baby (due to giving birth). With our social lives drastically altered we decided to find a way to make some of those housebound weekends a little more fun. (Via)

Things are gonna get weird when they get to Trainspotting…Anyway, here’s some of their finest work.



Jurassic Park

Die Hard


To see the rest, check out Cardboard Box Office.

(Via Cardboard Box Office)