Scout Willis Took Topless Photos Around NYC To Protest Instagram’s Anti-Nipple Policy

In addition to #YesAllWomen, another very important cause to women that has been trending on Twitter is #FreeTheNipple. Because on Instagram you’re not allowed to show your nipples or they’ll block your account. Oh, I’m sorry, did I say very important cause? Because I meant the opposite of that.

At any rate, Scout Willis, 22-year-old daughter of Demi and Bruce, has decided to confront this issue head on — or shall we say, “nips” on — by posing for photos around NYC where it’s legal for women to be topless, and posting the photos to Twitter. (Photos NSFW.) See, nipples are still totally cool to post on Twitter, but #FreeTheNipple won’t be happy until nipples are welcome on ALL FORMS OF SOCIAL MEDIA, DAMMIT.

You know, it must be real nice to be pampered, spoiled daughter of two high profile celebrities, because I can’t even imagine a world where the most pressing issue of my generation is whether or not I can post uncensored pictures of my tits on a free social media platform. But keep fighting the good fight, Scout. I’m sure somewhere a bunch of kidnapped Nigerian girls are totally with you in solidarity.