A South Carolina Man Tried To Pay His Applebees Bill With What Now?

Via YouTube

Master criminal and connoisseur of the finer things in life — Michael Williams, of Sumter, South Carolina — was arrested last week after attempting to pay his Applebee’s check with a trillion dollar bill. They still make those? Oh right: No. From 10 Wistv:

Williams was arrested on an unrelated charge of contempt of magistrate’s court. He was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay $262 in court fees.

Police continue to investigate.

I love it that this case is still under investigation. Sumter, South Caroline must literally be the most boring place on earth. “OK chief, we got our man — but so many lingering questions remain. Where did this trillion dollar bill come from, and why was he carrying it? Do you think we need to get Department of the Treasury involved in this? This might go all the way to Washington. In fact, to get a better understanding, I — WAIT, HOLD EVERYTHING. I’m getting an emergency call that a squirrel is loose in the Drugs ‘N More. We’re gonna need backup!”

H/T, @youzuck