‘Avengers Trailer (On A Budget)’ Has Fat Captain America With A Tiny Shield, Your ‘Avengers’ Trailer Parody Is Invalid

We’ll leave the coverage of actual Avengers trailers and footage to our cosplaying siblings at Gamma Squad, but seeing as how the movie is currently tracking at 96% AND this parody trailer from Table 8 Productions prominently features Fat Captain America with a tiny shield, I want I need a piece of the “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” action.

The video (after the jump) is pretty much just a sweded version made by different geeky bad actors, except the jokes are a little bit better, the cast is a little bit chubbier, and they found less change in their gaming sofa to fund the project. Good times. As excited as I am to pay money to see the actual Avengers I would certainly fork over the same amount to watch Fat Cap, Nick “F-Bomb” Fury, Cardboard Iron Man, and stammering Loki in a full length low budget version.

Table 8 Productions via Buzzfeed