This Third-Grader Completely Destroyed Donald Trump’s Deportation Plan With A Simple Letter

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Dallas
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As if we needed any more proof that kids do say the darndest things, a third-grader made a very compelling case as to why grown-ups shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump for president in an open letter to American voters. Especially if those grown-ups love Netflix, and, more importantly, chill.

The open letter, posted on Facebook by an Ohio ESL teacher, says voting for Trump would mean supporting his plans to deport “Asians, Africans and Mexicans,” which would send the country’s population spiraling down from 320 million to an insanely low level of “12,0000.” And if only having a population of “12,0000” isn’t terrible enough, the precocious kid writes Trump would also deport Indians. That would be just awful because then we wouldn’t have any Netflix for us to chill over. With all the engineers gone, he brilliantly explains, technology would cease to exist and it would be like living in the Stone Age again. “Is that a world you want to live in? No!,” he ends the letter. The kid is pretty psychic.

Most children in third grade dream of being a superhero. In this kid’s own way, he’s already the hero this country needs if he’s saving us all from a life of no Netflix and Chill.

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