These #WatchCommunity Fanbase Infiltration GIFs Are Fighting The Good ‘Community’ Fight

Community is no stranger to internet obsession. Just scroll through our archives for the tip of the iceberg. But with Dan Harmon out and the show still two months away from beginning its postponed fourth season (now on back on Thursday nights! Probably!), most of us OG Human Beings have kind of come to grips with the fact that we’re most likely awaiting the show’s last stand.

But if there’s one thing about the internet I love it’s that you’re never short on irrational optimism. If there’s a second thing I love it’s racist/homophobic YouTube comments. But with regards to the first thing and how it applies to the internet’s favorite running comedy: there are still plenty of people fighting the good fight. In particular there’s the gang behind #WatchCommunity,  an awareness Tumblr/hashtag/movement with the simple goal of getting people to, well, watch Community.

The reasoning behind the mission is quite pragmatic in contrast to the their unbridled enthusiasm. #WatchCommunity realizes that all the fan art, petitions, and flash mobs in the world are kind of worthless if they aren’t getting new people to watch the show. So their equal-parts-brilliant-and-myopic plan is to infiltrate the Tumblr images and GIFs of other shows with similarly devoted fanbases to convince them to watch Community in some shape or form.

Will they make a difference? Probably not. “A” for effort? You betcha. And with that in mind here are ten of the best infiltrations the TV obsessed on Tumblr are currently passing around. Above Doctor Who version made by this human being. Note: I’ve never watched an episode of several of these shows, but if you want to tell people I’m behind the Batman Begins one I won’t correct you.








