Watch This Drunk Swedish Girl Attempt To Back Flip In A McDonald’s

The great thing about drunk decisions is that they always seem like a good idea at the time, until the next morning when you remember that you ate an entire cheesesteak by yourself at 2 a.m., or you attempted to sing The Cardigan’s “Lovefool” at karaoke — which is a hard song, by the way — or caused hundreds, if not thousands of dollars of damage to a McDonald’s by trying to back flip over the counter.

I have done only two of those things while drunk. Sadly, I can’t take credit for the third one, which goes entirely to the pink-haired Swedish girl in the above video. According to the Redditor who posted the video, she was so embarrassed that she ran off without her iPhone. Which is probably the least of what she was regretting the next morning.

(Via Reddit)